National Cybersecurity Awareness Month

Beefing up cybersecurity controls could seem intimidating and costly, but it doesn’t have to be.  Although the appropriate cybersecurity controls vary depending on a number of factors including the amount and type of data being handled and how the data is stored, there are best practices every organization should implement.  In honor of National Cybersecurity Awareness Month (NCSAM), we’re going to share our top practical tips for securing your data.  Whether you’re a mom-and-pop store or a retail chain, these “common sense” practices are fundamental to cybersecurity program of all sizes.  The tips cover issues we see come up again and again in our practice of advising businesses on compliance with data privacy laws.  Addressing these issues up front goes a long way toward enhancing cybersecurity, but ignoring them makes compliance more difficult.    

Each day this week, we’ll share a tip that will help you keep unauthorized eyes and hands off your data.  In the meantime, check out these cybersecurity resources for small businesses: